Smart Sun Energy
“MNRE approved Vendor for TANGEDCO”
Subsidy For Rooftop Grid Tie Solar PV System

Subsidy: Central Government offers subsidy uptill 10 kWp for Residential houses and uptill 500 kWp for Residential Associations and Societies, the offer details are as follows:

Agreement: The Applicant to avail above Subsidy has to enter into an Agreement for Design, Installation, Commissioning and Comphrensive Maintainance Contract for 5 years for the Grid Tie Solar PV System installed, with the Vendor registered with TANGEDCO as per MNRE rules and regulations. The agreement is drafted by the MNRE of Central Government wherein all technical, commercial and service clauses are included in a manner wherein the Applicant’s investment is legally protected and also MNRE had made it a mandatory for the Vendor to enter into CMC (Comphrensive Maintenance Contract) for 5 years for Solar System installed, by which the Applicant is guaranteed for service. After expiry of CMC both the parties can enter into agreement with a rate mutually agreed upon.
Installation Process: The applicants willing to install Rooftop Grid Tie Solar PV System will be required to apply through National Portal and for it the applicant have to provide the following :
An active mobile number
An active E-mail Id
Download SANDES APP for receiving OTP.
Step-1: Registration of the Applicant in the National Portal for Rooftop Solar ( by selecting the local TANGEDCO and enter Consumer number, e-mail id and mobile number.
Step-2: Submission of the Application for Grid-Tie – Rooftop Solar (GTI-RTS) at residential house.
Step-3: Above submitted application will be forwarded to TANGEDCO for Technical Feasibility Approval as per the prevailing regulations.
Step-4: On receipt of Technical Feasibility Approval from TANGEDCO the applicant can proceed to Install GTI-RTS by selecting the Preferred Empanelled Vendor with TANGEDCO as listed in the National Portal. It is mandatory:
- To sign an Agreement between Applicant and the Vendor wherein the interest of the Applicant is legally protected.
- To enter into Comprehensive Maintenance Contract for the RTS installed by the Vendor for at least 5 years or more.
Step-5: On commissioning of GT-RTS the applicant has to submit Project Completion Report to TANGEDCO for obtaining Net-metering, for which Charges to be paid and Net-metering Agreement to be signed with TANGEDCO.
Step-6: TANGEDCO officials will Install Net-meter and Conduct Inspection for fulfillment of minimum technical specification and standards with respect to commissioning of GTI-RTS.
Step-7: Upon successful inspection and installation of net-meter Commissioning Certificate would be generated online by TANGEDCO.
Step-8: Applicant has to Submit Bank details and upload copy of Cancelled cheque. The fund handling agency will release the Central Government subsidy directly into the bank account.